დალის მთის წყალსაცავი dali reservoir დალის მთის წყალსაცავი dali reservoir დალის მთის წყალსაცავი dali reservoir დალის მთის წყალსაცავი dali reservoir დალის მთის წყალსაცავი dali reservoir

About Dali mount reservoir

Best time to visit: All Season

Dali mount reservoir (Dali reservoir, Dali lake) is located in Dedoplistskaro municipality, Kakheti Region, East Georgia.

It is made at the low flow of the river Iori and is located on 30 km from city Dedoplistskaro. Total volume of the water is 140.0 million m³, Useful volume: 133.0 million m³.

Th coastline is uneven. From the river Iori is made a water channel, which started exploitation in 1992. There are fish in the reservoir. Nearby the reservoir, on the coast of the Iori river is Dali mount.

There is a hunting farm called "Dalis mta" . From mammals there live nutria, raccoon, raccoon dog, wolf, rabbit, jackal, fox, wild pig. There are lots of birds around.

Tags: #Nature #Water #water reservoir


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