1-day tour at Martvilli and Okatse Canyons
ტურის შესახებ
If you want to spend the summer in the greenery and coolness, you also want to gather unforgettable memories, then this tour is for you!
GTG TOUR offers a 1-day tour of Martvili and Okatse canyons.
The tour starts in Tbilisi, the first site is Okatse Canyon-Canyon with the first hanging cliff trail in Georgia, the cover of the trail is transparent, which makes the trip even more extreme.
The next site is the Martvili Canyon -700 m long paved circular hiking trail starting from the visitor center and passing the historical Dadiani trail. There are 2 bridges, 3 viewing platforms, a 30-step historic staircase built of large limestone boulders on the trail.
Visitors also have the opportunity to take a boat ride on the 300-meter (one-way) section of the Abasha River and enjoy the beautiful views of the mountain river canyon.
If we have time, we visit Martvili Monastery, which is the beauty of Georgian architecture.
The main task of our team is to complete the tour without any shortcomings. We will take care of your safe movement with a well-maintained minibus and an experienced driver. So we do not drink on the road, we do not dance in moving vehicles and we do not come to the gathering place of the tour drunk.
What to consider:
Wear comfortable clothing. It is desirable to have a raincoat. Wear comfortable and low-cut shoes so that you do not have difficulty moving.
The tour is simple of complexity and does not require special physical training.
ტურის განმავლობაში ვიმგზავრებთ კომფორტული, გამართული მიკროავტობუსით.
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