Ateni Archangel Church (“Giorgoba” of Ateni)

DJI_0637 DJI_0636 DJI_0635

About Ateni Archangel Church (“Giorgoba” of Ateni)

Best time to visit: All Season

Ateni Archangel Church (same as “Giorgoba” of Ateni) is located in Shida Kartli Region, Gori Municipality, in the village of Patara Ateni. It is erected on a rock ridge. The temple dates back to the XVI-XVIII centuries. It is a small hall type building. The church has an arched entrance on the west side. The facades are simple. The building was badly damaged and has been restored in the recent past.

How to get there

The village of Patara Ateni is located in Shida Kartli region, Gori Municipality, 9 km away from Gori. The road goes to the village.

Tags: #History #Church #Culture #Monastery #Historical Monument


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