ბერდიკის ( ფოლადაურის ) ციხე - Berdiki fortress ( Poladauri castle ) ბერდიკის ( ფოლადაურის ) ციხე - Berdiki fortress ( Poladauri castle ) ბერდიკის ( ფოლადაურის ) ციხე - Berdiki fortress ( Poladauri castle ) ბერდიკის ( ფოლადაურის ) ციხე - Berdiki fortress ( Poladauri castle ) ბერდიკის ( ფოლადაურის ) ციხე - Berdiki fortress ( Poladauri castle ) ბერდიკის ( ფოლადაურის ) ციხე - Berdiki fortress ( Poladauri castle ) ბერდიკის ( ფოლადაურის ) ციხე - Berdiki fortress ( Poladauri castle )

About Berdiki Fortress

Best time to visit: All Season

Berdiki (Poladauri) Castle — historical castle which is located on a high rock hill, on the right bank of the river Bolnisistskali, near the village Poladauri in Bolnisi municipality, Kvemo Kartli region.

It was named after the historic village Berdiki. There are saved a curtain wall and two towers, one of which is four flour. The castle is built in the medieval period. The castle was controlling the shortest road passing in Poladauri gorge , which was connecting to Ghoreshi through "Mgliskari" pass.

Tags: #History #Culture #Historical Monument #Fortress #Fortification

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