Betlemi Street, old Tbilisi Betlemi Street, old Tbilisi

About Bethlehem Street

Best time to visit: All Season

Bethlehem Street is located in the old part of Tbilisi and is one of the most attractive tourist destinations in one of the cities. This street is especially famous for its beautiful historic house, which has a stained glass entrance. The thousand-colored light from the colored glass creates a fabulous environment. This house is visited by a lot of visitors, it is also a favorite place for photographers.

There is also an art gallery on Bethlehem Street - Gallery 27 and Art Cafe Home, where you will learn about modern Georgian art. There is also a Museum of Illusions. The museum offers a fabulous world where optical, projection and sensory illusions are gathered. There are also cafes, restaurants and hotels on the street, where you can enjoy delicious food and enjoy the views of old Tbilisi.

Bethlehem Street goes up to Narikala and from here there is a beautiful view of Narikala Fortress. Very close to Bethlehem Street is the Ascension of Bethlehem, which is a street-staircase leading to the Church of the Nativity of the Savior in Bethlehem. This street with its sights and characteristic environment is one of the most interesting places in Tbilisi and is very popular.

Tags: #History #Culture #Historical Monument #territory

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