ტყუბულის მუნიციპალიტეტი Tkibuli municipality ტყუბულის მუნიციპალიტეტი Tkibuli municipality ტყუბულის მუნიციპალიტეტი Tkibuli municipality ტყუბულის მუნიციპალიტეტი Tkibuli municipality ტყუბულის მუნიციპალიტეტი Tkibuli municipality

About Tkibuli

Tkibuli is a city in western Georgia, Imereti region, administrative center of Tkibuli municipality. Its located south of the Nakerala Range, 590 meters above sea level.


Tkibuli (Tkvibuli) in historical sources first mentioned in a monument dated to 1259-1293. In feudal period Tkibuli belonged to the family of Agiashvili. From the end of the XIX century, after the coal mining operations has started here, it has become an industrial Daba (settlement). In 1939, Tkibuli was declared a city of republican subordination.


The main field of Tkibuli's economy is the coal industry. The coal mine was discovered in 1825, and its exploitation began in 1846. The coal balance stock is 307 million tonnes, and the total geological reserve reaches one billion tons. During the Soviet era, four coal mining shafts and a coal enrichment plant were in operation. The main users of coal were Rustavi Metallurgical Plant and Tkvarcheli Thermal Power Station. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, coal mining has practically stopped and the coal enrichment plant was destroyed. In 2006, coal mining was restored in two shafts and the coal enrichment plant has been updated. Total number of employees are approximately 1000 people. The tea factory also operates in the city. Shaori Hydropower Station is located in the city. The Hydropower Station is supplied with water from the Shaori reservoir.

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