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Eristavi Fortress-Hall
About Eristavi Fortress-Hall
Guria Eristavi Fortress-Hall is located in the village of Goraberezhouli, Chokhatauri Municipality. The castle was built on a high hill in the XVII-XVIII centuries. It was for military purposes and belonged to the nobility. The castle is surrounded by 4 walls, each of which is 5 meters high and 25 meters long. Artillery is placed in the walls of the castle, a cellar and an agricultural building are placed inside. To the east of the castle is a small chapel, which is currently in a semi-ruined state. There is a beautiful dendrological forest-park with many rare centuries-old plants: three-century oak, pencil tree, candy tree, sequoia giant, and others. Guria Eristavi Fortress-Hall and Dendrological Garden have great tourist potential. Restoration work is currently underway, which will be completed soon.
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