
About Europark

Best time to visit: All Season

Europark is one of the well-equipped and popular aqua parks in Tbilisi and it is located at 3 Vakhtang Ninua Street. If you want to unwind in a diverse, colorful and cheerful environment, the European Park offers a wonderful environment. Here you will find pools, various types of attractions, slides and a nice bar. If you want a golden tan, swimming in blue water and feeling extreme with friends, you will have a really fun time in the aqua park. There is also a children’s space in here, so you can visit with your little ones and have a happy and unforgettable family day. When you can't get out of the city on hot summer days, relaxing by the pool near the pool, cold drinks or extreme attractions are a great way to relieve stress, get positive emotions and relax. Safety standards are observed in the park. You can use the protected parking lot and the medical service.

Tags: #Entertainment #Shopping #Health #Sport #Wellness center

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