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About Hotel Galavnis Kari

Best time to visit: All Season

Hotel Galavnis Kari is located in Sighnaghi, the city of love, 800 m above sea level, near the forest park and the 4.5 km long ancient fortress, from where you can enjoy the stunning views of the Tsiv-Gombori Range and Alazani Valley.

The hotel has 13 cozy rooms, a bar-restaurant with national and European cuisine. You will also be able to take part in winemaking and distilling Georgian chacha and of course, see the ancient historical and cultural buildings throughout the Kakheti region.

We try to make our vacationers spend time enjoyably. Our attentive and customer-oriented staff will do their best to make your vacation unforgettable.

Tags: #Accommodation #Hotel
+995 595 960****
Duration: 1 day
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+995 595 960****