Ghurghumela Lake

About Ghurghumela Lake

Best time to visit: All Season

Ghurghumela Lake is located in the Imereti region, in the Chiatura Municipality, in the vicinity of the villages of Skindori and Tsinsopeli, in the gorge of the Ghurghumela river, at 555 meters above sea level. It is a remnant of an artificially created reservoir. The shores of the lake are covered with aquatic plants. Lake Ghurghumela is surrounded by mountains and is a very beautiful sight, both in spring greenery and in the picturesque autumn. The stunning panoramic views and the rippling water amidst the open spaces attract many people. Boat trip on the lake and fishing is also possible here. If you want to unwind in the tranquility of nature, Lake Ghurghumela is a perfect place to do this.

Tags: #Nature #Lake #Water


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