Gldani Park Gldani Park Gldani Park Gldani Park Gldani Park

About Gldani Park

Best time to visit: All Season

Gldani Park is one of the most diverse and well-equipped parks in Tbilisi. It is located on Omar Khizanishvili Street. There is an amphitheater, a fountain, children's attractions, a swimming pool, a bicycle lane and a dog walk area. The park also has a skate park and a basketball court for sports fans. With its greenery and diverse entertainment, Gldani Park attracts many people. Here a person of any age and with different interests will find a pleasant space for him. The colorful environment with beautiful paths and painted, decorative walls creates a cheerful and positive mood. The park is perfect for unwinding with family, as well as for lovers of sports and active fun.

Tags: #Nature #Garden #Park

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