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About Gorijvari

Best time to visit: All Season

St. George's Church in Gorijvari is located in Shida Kartli region, Gori municipality, in the village of Didi Gorijvari, on Gorijvari mountain. It is a monument of the XX century. The temple was built on the site of an early medieval hall church after the Gori earthquake 1920. It is built of brick. The facades are simple. The church has arched doors and windows. Next to the temple is a brick-built bell tower, the second floor of which is arched on all four sides. The church is surrounded by a VII century fence, which is quite damaged. The fence is double, followed by mountainous terrain and reinforced with buttresses. There is a wide and very beautiful view from Gorijvari Church.

How to get there

Gorijvari church is located in Shida Kartli region, Gori Municipality, in the village of Didi Gorijvari, 4 km away from Gori. The road goes to the church.

Tags: #History #Church #Culture #Monastery #Historical Monument


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