ზესტაფონი ირინეს პარკი  Zestaponi Irene Park ზესტაფონი ირინეს პარკი  Zestaponi Irene Park ზესტაფონი ირინეს პარკი  Зестафони Ирине Парк ზესტაფონი ირინეს პარკი  Zestaponi Irene Park

About Irine's Park in Zestaponi

Best time to visit: All Season

Irine's Park is located in the city of Zestaponi, Imereti region, between Rustaveli and Agmashenebeli streets. Irine's Park was built in the early twentieth century by the French architect Albert Jean and was named in honor of his Georgian wife, Irine. This park is one of the perfect places to unwind in Zestaponi. The greenery, beautiful paths, fields, attractions and sports field create a pleasant and cheerful environment for both adults and children. The park was rehabilitated in 2011. Today it is a well-maintained and tidy place where you can have fun.

Tags: #Nature #Garden #Park


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