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About Jandara Lake

Best time to visit: All Season

Jandara Lake is located on the Georgian-Azerbaijani border, on the Gardabani plain, 292 meters above the sea level. The surface area of the water is 10.6 km, the average depth is 3.75 m, and the maximum depth is 7.2 m. The lake is a reservoir type and it is running water. The shores of the lake are steep and low. Flora that is spread surrounding areas of the lake is characteristic of the semi-desert and steppe. Fragments of floodplain forest can be found too. Aspens and willows are mainly presented. Jandari Lake is supplied with Mtkvari water, which goes by the Gardabani irrigation system canal. The lake does not have a natural or permanent tributary. The lush green lake with its open space and amazing views, create a very beautiful environment. This place is perfect for going out and having picnic. Jandara Lake is interesting for bird watching lovers. More than 20,000 types of water birds come to these areas during migration, including: pelican, cormorant, wild duck and others. The lake also attracts fishing lovers, it is one of the most important places for fishing and sport-amateur fishing. You will easily find picnic and camping places in the surroundings of the lake.

Tags: #Nature #Lake #Water

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