Rafting in Pasanauri
About Rafting in Pasanauri
Are you looking for new feelings, adrenaline, adventures, beautiful nature or a cozy environment near Tbilisi? If so, you should definitely visit the rafting camp "Rafting in Pasanauri".
"Rafting in Pasanauri" offers rafting in the beautiful valley of the river Aragvi.
Rafting camp is located near Tbilisi, in the town of Pasanauri. You can visit the camp both for rafting and unwinding. In the camp you will find a comfortably arranged barbecue space, quiet and cozy environment, excellent relaxing music and most importantly, you will be able to enjoy the captivating nature.
Along with "Rafting in Pasanauri", anyone can raft on Aragvi from the age of 5, accompanied by a parent. The rafting 8-kilometer route starts in Pasanauri and goes along with the beautiful valley of the river Aragvi and ends in the village of Chartali. The route is easy, and rafting on it is ideal for amateurs.
Our team pays special attention to the safety of guests. Each participant will be equipped with a life jacket and helmet. The boat will be accompanied by a professional instructor who will instruct you before departure and will take care of your safety during the course.
What to consider
Wear sporty/comfortable outfits, carry spare, dry clothes and personal hygiene items as you will definitely get wet during the rafting process.
As mentioned above, the rafting route is simple, and anyone can overcome it.
We will take care of your comfortable rafting and pleasant rest!
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საუკეთესოები არიან! ძალიან კმაყოფილები ვართ!
It was our first time rafting experience and It was amazing, thank you for your good service
Лайтовый спуск)
Очень простая трасса на 30-40 минут. Подойдёт для новеньких - река не большая, порогов нет, плывём спокойно. Очень красивый садик, чилаут, делают вкусные бургеры. Но по приезде, такое ощущение, что нас никто не ждал и не был в курсе нашей брони. Покупали за 50 лари, думаю того стоит. НО для тех кто первый раз, лучше сплавляться большой компанией, несколькими лодками.
Best Rafting experience in Georgia. The instructors are very nice and knowledgeable. The ride is fun and perfect for inexperienced riders of all ages. There’s also nice cafes both at the start and end locations.
კარგი იყო, თუმცა უფრო მეტ თავგადასავალს ველოდი სირთულის მხრივ.
Vey nice guide, very nice experience and it’s easy, we were only two, the guide took very nice pictures for us and was very nice to us, he is skilled in his career, we go back by a car and price included.
الرحلة جدًا جميلة، القائد كان فنان واخذلنا صور جميلة، الرجعه بالسيارة مع القائد، لكن انصح تجيب ملابس غيار لانك حتتبلبل
We had a very fun experience of rafting with two 11 year old children! The guide was extremely experienced and very nice in communication. He instructed us on the rules and was very cautious throughout the trip, so we felt safe. One hour seemed to pass too soon. We would definitely like to go back for a longer trip!
Thank a lot!!!
გამარჯობათ.ვერ ვიჯომარდეთ წყალი იყო ადიდებული არც გაგვაფრთხილეს და ტყუილად ჩავედით და გადახდილი ავანსიც არ გადმოურიცხავთ
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We are looking to do rafting, we will be in tiblisi 1st and 2nd of March and we are 2adults and one kid of 9 years old
Can I have more information related to our group.
გამარჯობა ეს რამდენი წლის ადამიანებისთვის არის ნება დართული?
გამარჯობა, არაგვზე ჯომარდობა შეუძლია ნებისმიერ მსურველს 5 წლის ასაკიდან, მშობლის თანხლებით.
I'm in Tbilisi.
How do I get to you
Good morning, you can get to us from Didube bus station, via Kazbegi Marshutka.