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Kobuleti National Park
About Kobuleti National Park
Best time to visit:
All Season
Kobuleti National Park is located in the Adjara region, Kobuleti municipality. Created to preserve unique wetland ecosystems of international importance, especially waterfowl habitats, as a natural heritage site with high values.
The national park covers the northeastern part of the Kobuleti seaside valley, is famous for its diversity of water birds and plants. The park is an important habitat for migratory, nesting and wintering waterfowl species. Botanists are very interested in the boreal species found here: sphagnum or white moss and the insectivorous drosera.
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Where to stay In Adjara
VenoSea Tsikhisdziri Seaside Cottage
Resort · Fortress · Cottage
Guest House Akutsa
Guest House
Hilltop Batumi
Paradise Inn
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