Kote Abkhazi (Leselidze) Street

Kote Abkhazi (Leselidze) Street, ქუჩა Kote Abkhazi (Leselidze) Street, ქუჩა

About Kote Abkhazi (Leselidze) Street

Best time to visit: All Season

Kote Abkhazi (Leselidze) Street is one of the most popular streets for tourists and those who love wandering in old Tbilisi. It is located in the Kala district and extends from Freedom Square to Vakhtang Gorgasali Square. On Leselidze you can see the architecture of the XIX and XX centuries, Norashen and Jvaris Mama Churches, Synagogue. There is also a museum of minerals, where you will find amethyst, mountain crystal, agate, fossilized sinks and many other beautiful exhibits. You can also try Georgian traditional sweets on this street (churchkhela, tklapi) and buy various memorable souvenirs. Kote Abkhazi Street is connected to other ancient streets of Tbilisi and is a great place for walking through the old districts of Tbilisi. Here you will find different types of shops, cafes and restaurants. Particularly popular are the vintage bars with cozy surroundings and pleasant music.


Kote Abkhazi Street originated in the Middle Ages and was called the middle market. It was called like this as it was in the middle of two districts - Upper and Lower districts. There was no official market here, though it was always crowded and was the unofficial center of trade. In the list of Tbilisi streets compiled in 1841, it is listed as Armenian Street and Pavle Tsitsianov Street. On the Tbilisi plan of 1867 is designated as Pavle Tsitsianov Street, on the plans of 1876 and subsequent years - as the Armenian market. In 1938 it was named Silibistro Todria, in 1944- Konstantine Leselidze, in 2006 it was named Kote Abkhazi. Historically it was a section of the ancient caravan road that started at the Kojori door, along to the Kote Abkhazi street line and connected the city center with Abanotubani. Subsequently it gradually became a trading center of the indigenous part of the city - Kali. On both sides of the street were located trading douqans, workshops and religious buildings and in fact it represented the trade-workshop center, peculiar exchange, of the city. Kote Abkhazi Street was reconstructed several times, as a result it turned into an important highway, which connects the city center with its south-east part. This street still remains a cultural and trade center.

Tags: #History #Culture #Historical Monument #territory

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