ფარავანის ტბა ფარავანის ტბა - Paravani Lake ფარავანის ტბა - Paravani Lake ფარავანის ტბა ფარავანის ტბა ფარავანის ტბა ფარავანის ტბა ფარავანის ტბა ფარავანის ტბა ფარავანის ტბა ფარავანის ტბა ფარავანის ტბა ფარავანის ტბა

About Lake Paravani

Best time to visit: All Season

Paravani - Is volcanic-tectonic type lake in Ninotsminda municipality, Samtskhe Javakheti region. Its located on 2073 meters above sea level. The lake is frozen in winter and the ice thickness varies from 47-73 cm. There are rivers which flows to the lake: Shaori river, Sabadostskali, Rodionovskistskali, The river Paravani takes the starts from Paravani Lake. The lake is rich with fish: trout, carp, chapala and etc.

There are different villages around the Paravani lake: Poka, Vladimirovka, Tambovka, Rodionovka and Aspara. On the shore of the lake, there is Poka monastery, newarby is Shaori Fortress and on the east side of the lake is Paravani caravansary.

Tags: #Nature #Lake #Water


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Where to stay In Samtskhe - Javakheti


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Lajja Mistry
Lajja Mistry

Hello, what areas can we visit around this lake in 2 days?
Thank you.

Mariam Pirashvili
Mariam Pirashvili

Good day. Near Paravani lake you can see this route https://georgiantravelguide.com/en/mountain-didi-abuli-and-abul-samsari-range . It can be done in two days. It is easy hiking rote, however the recommended seasons are summer and September.


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