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Mandaeti Cave
About Mandaeti Cave
Best time to visit:
All Season
Mandaeti Cave is located in the Mandaeti village, Chiatura Municipality, in the Imereti region. It is a three-story karst cave, which is about half a meter long, with an entrance and an exit. The ceiling of the largest hall is 15 meters high, 5 meters wide and 35 meters long. The cave was named after Professor Zurab Tatashidze, a famous Georgian speleologist, one of the discoverers of the New Athos Cave and a karst explorer in Zemo (Upper) Imereti. A stream of water flows through the cave. Mandaeti Cave makes an indelible impression with its beautiful dripping formations; unique stalactites, stalagmites, stalagnates and helictites are found here.
Where to stay In Imereti
Sunshine house
Eco Cottage
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