Mtchishta Vaucluse

Mtchishta Vaucluse

About Mtchishta Vaucluse

Best time to visit: All Season

Mtchishta Vaucluse is located in Gudauta municipality, Abkhazia. It is one of the largest underground rivers. It flows from the cave. The cave corridor at the end is flooded with a rather deep and large lake. Apparently, streams, which flow into the karst abyss located to the north of Mtchishta, gather here. To date, only the western region of the Mtchishta siphon corridors has been studied. The study of its eastern branch is not yet possible, because the waterless spaces in the underground corridors are filled with overgrown dripping formations of various shapes. The Mtchishta underground river collects water from a fairly large area, almost all the groundwater of the Bzib massif flows into the Mtchishta basin. Mtchishta and Tovliani represent one and the same hydrogeological system, this system ends with a mine leading to Tovliani.

Tags: #occupied territories #Nature #River #Water

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