Mepistskaro Mountain

About Mepistskaro Mountain

Best time to visit: All Season

Mepistskaro Mountain is located in Guria, Chokhataruri Municipality, on the border of Chokhatauri and Vani municipalities, at the headwaters of the rivers Supsa and Tsablaristskali. It is the highest peak of the Meskheti Range and its height is 2850 meters. The mountain base and lower slopes are lined with subalpine vegetation, and the middle and upper slopes are covered with alpine meadows. Near Mepistskaro Mountain there are Big Jaji ( Didi Jagi ) and Little Jaji ( Patara Jagi ) lakes. The mountain and its surroundings stand out with beautiful expansive views and attract many hiking enthusiasts. Mepistskaro is perfect for planning a diverse and adventurous tours.

Tags: #mountain #Nature

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