მომავლის პარკი Park of the future მომავლის პარკი Park of the future

About The Park of the Future

Best time to visit: All Season

The Park of the Future is located in Imereti, in Samtredia city, between the Revishvili and Chavchavadze streets. This park is one of the most wonderful and outstanding places among the city's resting places. The park is planted-up with different species of plants and trees, equipped with strolling paths, chairs, grass lawn, and greenways, entertaining attractions. In the Park of the Future, you can find relief with your friends, as well as, with your family members or children.

Tags: #Nature #Garden #Park


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Where to stay In Imereti

Eco Cottage
Eco Cottage
Hotel · Guest House · Cottage · Wine Cellar / Winery

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