ნავენახევის მღვიმე - Navenakhevi Cave Natural Monument ნავენახევის მღვიმე - Navenakhevi Cave Natural Monument ნავენახევის მღვიმე - Navenakhevi Cave Natural Monument ნავენახევის მღვიმე - Navenakhevi Cave Natural Monument ნავენახევის მღვიმე - Navenakhevi Cave Natural Monument ნავენახევის მღვიმე - Navenakhevi Cave Natural Monument ნავენახევის მღვიმე - Navenakhevi Cave Natural Monument ნავენახევის მღვიმე - Navenakhevi Cave Natural Monument ნავენახევის მღვიმე - Navenakhevi Cave Natural Monument ნავენახევის მღვიმე - Navenakhevi Cave Natural Monument ნავენახევის მღვიმე - Navenakhevi Cave Natural Monument ნავენახევის მღვიმე - Navenakhevi Cave Natural Monument ნავენახევის მღვიმე - Navenakhevi Cave Natural Monument ნავენახევის მღვიმე - Navenakhevi Cave Natural Monument ნავენახევის მღვიმე - Navenakhevi Cave Natural Monument

About Navenakhevi cave

Best time to visit: All Season

Navenakhevi cave - karst cave in Imereti, 235 m above sea level, in the village Navenakhevi of Terjola municipality.

The Natenghevi Cave is a two-floor, 4-hall cave with unique and beautifully shaped stalagmites, stalagnates and stalactites.

The cave divides into two from 30 meters from the entrance. The second-floor connects to the hall with small stages. The cave does not have the exit it is stuck with a stalagnate, with a thickness of 7 meters.

The cave was first researched in the thirties by Professor Levan Maruashvili. In 1981, the local residents of the last century - sister Khujadzes first published about the cave on the press, from that developed an idea of equipping the cave. In 2007, Cave was granted a status of Nature Monument. It officially opened in 2018.

The visitors can see at the site: Visitor Center, Amphitheater, Cafeteria, Souvenir Shop, Educational Space, Children's entertainment area and Forest Trails.

You can organize the following eco-tours on the Nature Monument of Navenakhevi Cave:

  • Speleo tour;
  • Tours for photo-lovers;
  • Conducting eco-lessons in the educational field;
Tags: #Nature #Cave #Cave #Underground
42.241834 , 42.863408

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