ნეძვის მონასტერი, ნეძვის სამეკლესიანი ბაზილიკა - Nedzvi monastery ნეძვის მონასტერი, ნეძვის სამეკლესიანი ბაზილიკა - Nedzvi monastery ნეძვის მონასტერი, ნეძვის სამეკლესიანი ბაზილიკა - Nedzvi monastery ნეძვის მონასტერი, ნეძვის სამეკლესიანი ბაზილიკა - Nedzvi monastery ნეძვის მონასტერი, ნეძვის სამეკლესიანი ბაზილიკა - Nedzvi monastery ნეძვის მონასტერი, ნეძვის სამეკლესიანი ბაზილიკა - Nedzvi monastery nedzvis-monasteri-nedzvis-samekl

About Nedzvi Monastery

Best time to visit: Spring, Summer, Autumn

Nedzvi Monastery - A monument of Georgian architecture of the 50s of the IX century, built by disciple of St. Gregory Khandzteli, by St. Theodore Nedzveli. It is located in the present Borjomi municipality, on the territory of Akhaldaba, one of the tributaries of the Mtkvari River in the Nedviskhevi gorge, 10-12 kilometers away from Akhaldaba.

Grigol Khandzteli's disciples lived in Nedzvi's St. George's three-church basilicas and for a long time there was a monastery complex. However, in the XX century, there were ruins.

After the cleansing of the monument (1948, 1962), the original layout of the church was revealed and it became clear that Nedzvi was the largest among the present famous three-church basilicas in Georgia. The longitudinal walls of the middle church apse were partitioned with stepped columns and arches. Both sides of the east apse have one rectangular niche and to the west apse has semi-circular exedras. The church had entrances from three sides. The rectangular churches were connected with each other by passages from the west.

Tags: #History #Church #Culture #Monastery


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