ნეძვის აღკვეთილი - Nedzvi Managed Reserve ნეძვის აღკვეთილი - Nedzvi Managed Reserve ნეძვის აღკვეთილი - Nedzvi Managed Reserve ნეძვის აღკვეთილი - Nedzvi Managed Reserve ნეძვის აღკვეთილი - Nedzvi Managed Reserve ნეძვის აღკვეთილი - Nedzvi Managed Reserve ნეძვის აღკვეთილი - Nedzvi Managed Reserve nedzvis-monasteri-nedzvis-samekl nedzvis-monasteri-nedzvis-samekl nedzvis-monasteri-nedzvis-samekl

About Nedzvi National Park

Best time to visit: Spring, Summer, Autumn

Nedzvi Managed Reserve is situated in Borjomi Municipality. Founded in 2007. The area of 8992 hectares.

The territory of the Nedzvi National Park is an important site of the IX century architecture of Samtskhe-Javakheti, which is connected with the activities of Grigol Khandzteli and his students.

The main purpose of the creation of the Nedzvi Managed Reserve is to protect and keep the lynx and the unique groves of the Caucasian Sochi.

Tags: #Nature #Managed Reserve


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Where to stay In Samtskhe - Javakheti


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