Nekresi Sun Temple

About Nekresi Sun Temple

Best time to visit: All Season

Nekresi Sun Temple is located in Kakheti, Kvareli Municipality, near the Nekresi Monastery. It is also known as the large square. The building dates back to the I-III centuries and is a pre-Christian temple complex. The ensemble comprises seven independent buildings, which are surrounded by a square-shaped border. The buildings are connected to each other by corridors. The square has a cross-sectional plan. Inside, in front of each corridor, there are three- and four-story blocks. Each block consists of one apse hall, which is situated in front of the central entrance. Three-nave apse blocks are located on the north and south sides of the ensemble, and four-storey buildings on the west and east sides. The building is now almost at the level of the foundation. Nekresi Sun Temple is an important and unique monument of Georgian culture, both historically and architecturally.

Tags: #History #Church #Culture #Monastery #Historical Monument


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