Nikolai Marr House-Museum

ნიკო მარის სახლ-მუზეუმი, ჩოხატაური, გურია - Niko Mari House Museum, Chokhatauri, Guria ნიკო მარის სახლ-მუზეუმი, ჩოხატაური, გურია - Niko Mari House Museum, Chokhatauri, Guria ნიკო მარის სახლ-მუზეუმი, ჩოხატაური, გურია - Niko Mari House Museum, Chokhatauri, Guria ნიკო მარის სახლ-მუზეუმი, ჩოხატაური, გურია - Niko Mari House Museum, Chokhatauri, Guria ნიკო მარის სახლ-მუზეუმი, ჩოხატაური, გურია - Niko Mari House Museum, Chokhatauri, Guria

About Nikolai Marr House-Museum

Best time to visit: All Season

Nikolai Marr House-museum is located in the municipality of Chokhatauri, in particular, in the village of Dablatsikhe. At first, in 1985, in the yard of Chokhatauris N1 High School, there was built a little, Gurian styled wooden house - the museum of Nikolai Marr.

Later, in 1999 another house-museum was opened in a scientist's native village.

In this yard, the descendants of Nikolai are still living, taking care of the museum, and serving the visitors.

In the fund of this memorial museum, there are preserved many materials: the personal items of Nikolai, manuscripts of him, as well as the scientific works, books, pictures, documents, and so on.

Tags: #History #Culture #Museum

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Duration: 1 hour

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