132387_280880182017562_897681005 194627_280878918684355_75455080_ დავითგარეჯა ( დავით გარეჯის სამონასტრო კომპლექსი ) - David Gareja monastery complex 477846_280877102017870_152321003 465372_280877935351120_291662190 244110_280879245350989_736180832 460322_280878418684405_155618262 469471_280878725351041_320733498 332242_280881788684068_126541843

About Rustavi - David Gareja

Best time to visit: All Season

Bicycle trail starts in Rustavi on an old asphalted road and heads to Davit Gareja desert. Soon the asphalted road ends, and begins dirt road. Please consider that on the trail there is no water, and there are no shops, so prepare the food and water in advance. Its not recommended to take this road on a rainy day, as when it rains is impossible to cross the road in mud. There are several difficult ascents on the road, however the road is mostly strait. The main difficulty of the road are its length, absence of wather and hotness in summer. Also in summer you might meet snakes, so be careful.

The 50% of total road is dirt road, so its recommended to use mountain (MTB) bicycle.

Tags: #Bicycle #Adventure Tour #Bike trail #ველოტური

Offers nearby

41.518809 , 45.057359
Duration: 1 day
Total distance: 66 km
Difficulty: Hard
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