რუსთავის დრამატული თეატრი - Rustavi Theater რუსთავის დრამატული თეატრი - Rustavi Theater

About Rustavi Drama Theater

Best time to visit: All Season

Giga Lortkipanidze Rustavi Drama Theatre is located in Rustavi.

It was established in 1967 on the initiative and under the direct leadership of Giga Lortkipanidze and also by the help of 26 actors who left Kote Marjanishvili theater ( Givi Berikashvili, Tengiz Archvadze, Ioseb Gogichaishvili, Kote Toloraia and others) G. Lortkiphanidze was chosen as a director of the theatre. There was the first play E. Rostani “Sirano de Berjeraki” ( directed by G. Lortkiphanidze) on October 30, 1967 in the theatre.

From 2013, the theater has the name of Giga Lortkipanidze.

Tags: #Entertainment #Theater #Shopping #Cinema

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