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Rustavi Park
About Rustavi Park
Rustavi Park is a natural forest park. "Rustavi Culture and Recreation Park" is located in the center of Rustavi, near the connecting section of old and new Rustavi, where is a small artificial lake situated.
The best recreation area is arranged on the territory of the park - basketball, football and volleyball courts, skate park and open type of exercise field for one of the most popular types of street sports, street workout. The park has chairs, Georgian Panchaturi (naturally made, wooden decorative fences for shadows and having rest), picnic areas, fountains, walking and bicycle paths. You will also find an open amphitheater in the park area. There is lighting system here. At the central entrance there is a parking space for 50 cars.
Rustavi Fortress and the historical site of V-VIII centuries are located in Rustavi Park.
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