Sachkephia Waterfall

About Sachkephia Waterfall

Best time to visit: All Season

The Sachkepia waterfall is located in the Imereti region, Chiatura Municipality, in the village of Sveri, in the gorge of the Sadzalikhevi river. Its height is about 15 meters. Located in a forested gorge, between huge rocks and boulders, the waterfall creates a very beautiful sight. This place is great for a picnic and to escape the summer heat. Near the waterfall, the pond is formed where you can swim. From the highway to the Sachkepia waterfall, you need to walk about 500 meters, but you can also arrange an interesting hike from the village of Gundaeti, during which you can visit the Sachinkia karst cave, Sadzalikhevi canyon and the Sveri fortress.

Tags: #Nature #Waterfall #Water


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