Strawberry Hut
About Strawberry Hut
If you want to escape the monotonous days in the city, then it is time to take your backpack and go to the hut where you will definitely find leisure and comfort.
In the Strawberry Hut, you will feel at home.
Strawberry Hut is located in the town of Sioni, Tianeti Municipality, 1500-2000 meters away from the village, near the Sioni Reservoir and the forest, where there are no communications, electricity, water, or gas; A dirt road goes from the village to the hut which you can reach only by off-road vehicle. In another case, it is a 25-30 minute walk from the center of Sioni.
The hut has:
- Oven
- Table
- Chairs
- Double bed
- Sofa
- Hammock
The hut does not have
- Bedsheets
- Tupperware
It can accommodate up to 3 people.
The hut is an ideal place to unwind after a tough working week. This is a place where nothing will bother you except the chirping of birds and the forest or lake breeze.
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დიახ, თუმცა წინასწარ უნდა შეგვატყობინოთ თარიღები, რომ დაჯავშნილი არ იყოს კოტეჯი. ასევე გაითვალისწინეთ რომ კოტეჯში არ არის ცხელი ან ცივი წყალი და შუქი.
I would like to ask if we can swim in the lake?? And can we arrive by google map?
Hi, yes, you can swim in the lake. And yes you can arrive by Google maps 💜
Thank you for fast responding ❤️❤️
We want to book from 12 to 13 in August for one night
We'll check availability in the morning and will let you know 💜