Takhti Tepha and Kilakupra mud Volcanoes
About Takhti Tepha and Kilakupra mud Volcanoes
This inorganic natural monument is located near Dali Mountain and is different from everything that can be seen in Georgia. The visitor, who saw mud volcan, has a feeling that he is not just in another country, but is on another planet.
The volcano is a white hill that constantly erupts. From the crater, constantly erupting and leaking gas, oil and mud with medicinal properties.
On the surface, there are separate species of halopites: Kalidium caspicum, Suaeda sp. Petrosimonia brachiata, Gamenthus pilosus, Limonium meyeri, and others, while the slopes of the volcano are covered with semi-desert phytocenosis.
The visit to Vashlovani National Park is not free. For registration, booking of the tourist shelter and other services contact/visit Vashlovani National Park Visitor Center.
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