Takhti-Tepha Mud Volcanoes

Takhti-tepha Mud Volcano - ტახტითეფას ტალახის ვულკანი Takhti-tepha Mud Volcano - ტახტითეფას ტალახის ვულკანი Takhti-tepha Mud Volcano - ტახტითეფას ტალახის ვულკანი Takhti-tepha Mud Volcano - ტახტითეფას ტალახის ვულკანი Takhti-tepha Mud Volcano - ტახტითეფას ტალახის ვულკანი

About Takhti-Tepha Mud Volcanoes

Best time to visit: Winter, Spring, Autumn

Takhti-Tepha Mud Volcanoes are natural monument in Georgia, located in Kakheti, in the municipality of Dedoplistskaro, including in Vashlovani protected areas.

Takhti-Tepha Mud Volcanoes is an inorganic monument of nature. It is located in the south of the Dali reservoir, at an altitude of 620 m above sea level and is a few meters high hill.The largest diameter of the mud crater is 3.5-4 m. Mud craters, along with small open vents are constantly active, erupting mud, oil and gas. The rising dirt from vents merges and flows down into the ravine. The natural monument and its surroundings are built of sandstones and clays.

Tags: #Nature


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