The Church of the Holy Mother of God in Telavi

The Church of the Holy Mother of God in Telavi

About The Church of the Holy Mother of God in Telavi

Best time to visit: All Season

The Church of the Holy Mother of God of Telavi is located in the region of Kakheti, the city of Telavi, at the beginning of the oldest part of the city, on Cholokashvili street. It's one of the most iconic samples of medieval church architecture. The temple is a cross-dome building. According to the plan, it is a cross-in-square construction, with elongated transepts to the east and west. The eastern transept ends with a semicircular apse placed in the rectangle. To the north and south of the apse, a square-shaped altar and sacristy are located. To the west of the temple, at the top tier, there is a choir (an area in the church, that provides seating for the nobles and church choir). The dome rests on arches supported by four piers. The high neck of the dome is divided by twelve arched windows. The decoration of the facades of the church is created with a composition of arch systems and relief crosses made of bricks. The building has three entrances - from the west, south and north. The church was built of Kakhetian bricks.

Tags: #History #Church #Culture #Monastery #Historical Monument


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