წალკის წყალსაცავი - Tsalka reservoir წალკის წყალსაცავი - Tsalka reservoir წალკის წყალსაცავი - Tsalka reservoir წალკის წყალსაცავი - Tsalka reservoir წალკის წყალსაცავი - Tsalka reservoir

About Tsalka Water Reservoir

Best time to visit: All Season

Tsalka Reservoir - the biggest reservoir in Georgia, located in Tsalka Municipality, at an altitude of 1506 m above sea level, in the gorge of the river Khrami. It is streched from the west to the east. Most of the shores are low and steep, on the south-eastern part of the shore - steep and high. It takes water from Khrami and other small rivers, as well as groundwater, snow and rain. It designed with a concrete dam in a narrow and deep valley, for energy purposes in 1946. It is seasonally regulated. An ice cover is created on the reservoir from December to the end of March. The river Ktsia-Khrami flows into the reservoir.

Tags: #Nature #Water #water reservoir

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