გარეჯის წამებულის მონასტერი - Gareji Tsamebuli monastery გარეჯის წამებულის მონასტერი - Gareji Tsamebuli monastery გარეჯის წამებულის მონასტერი - Gareji Tsamebuli monastery გარეჯის წამებულის მონასტერი - Gareji Tsamebuli monastery

About Tsamebuli Monastery

Best time to visit: All Season

Tsamebuli monastery – a small medieval church carved in a cave in Davit Gareja monastery complex. Located on a mountain top on the western edge of the desert monastery approximately 300 meters away.

In the south of the door was built the brick gate by King Archie of Kakheti (1664-1675). The eastern part of the wall of the church, by the plan is small, square-shaped, low, a flat ceiling has no apse. Later in the middle of it was built a badly treated stone altar. The northern wall is followed by a wall about 130-140 cm, which leaves the impression of a sarcophagus – there are bones of martyred monks. The ceiling and walls of the church are painted with the main layer of which is closer to the artistic monuments of the XI century.

Tags: #History #Church #Culture #Monastery

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