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About Tsitsinatela
Best time to visit:
Summer, September
"Tsitsinatela" - amusement park, located in Guria, Ozurgeti municipality, Shekvetili, between the seaside of Daba Ureki and the city of Kobuleti, in a unique resort area, on 14.5 hectares.
The amusement park "Tsitsinatela" was opened in 2006. The attractions in the park are designed for people of all ages.
"Tsitsinatela" has 36 entertainment attractions: 8 children's, 17 family and 11 extremes. There is also one hall of slot machines and a children's labyrinth "Happy City", as well as bowling.
Guests are also served by 2 open-air pizzerias, a coffee house, a bar and seven trade booths.
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