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About Udzo Monastery

Best time to visit: All Season

Udzo Mountain is located in Tbilisi municipality, on the top of Mtatsminda ridge of the south-eastern branch of Trialeti ridge. Its height is 1416 meters. St. George's Fathers Monastery stands on the Udzo Mountain. There are beautiful views from there. You will be able to enjoy the pleasant and cool forest.


The medieval church of St. George of Udzo was built by a childless (Udzo means childless in Georgian) man and he asked to St. George to give him a child. His dream came true and after that, childless women used to come here to pray. People who came here to pray, they left a sacrifice on one of the trees (this tree is still called “the wish tree”). After that the word "Udzeo" was also used to describe the mountain and the church. On Tuesday that folllows Easter day Udzo’s day is celebrated. Residents of nearby villages come here , gather for the holiday.

How to get there

The car road goes to Udzo Monastery. If you go by Kojori bus, you need to walk 1.5 km.

Tags: #History #Church #Culture #Monastery #Historical Monument

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Jahzara Howard
Jahzara Howard

what country is it in?

Mariam Pirashvili
Mariam Pirashvili

Hello, it is in Georgia.


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