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About Zemo Karabulaghi Church

Best time to visit: All Season

Zemo Karabulaghi Church is located in Kvemo Kartli region, Dmanisi municipality, in the village of Zemo Karabulaghi. It dates back to the X-XI centuries. The building has a hall church, ending with a semicircular apse on the east. The apse is raised by two steps. The church has Samkvetelo and Sadiakvne (rooms for the monks). The interior space is divided into three parts by pilasters. The facades are lined with basalt hewn stone. The facades were surrounded by a plain cornice, which is now quite destroyed. The top of the temple shows traces of renovation. The east window is decorated with carvings that are partly damaged. There is an image of a relief cross next to the window. There are two entrances, one from the south and the other one from the north. The southern entrance is architrave and the northern one is arched. Asomtavruli(ancient Georgian alphabet) inscription is carved on the top of the south door, where King David and King Kvirike are mentioned. The church is quite damaged and it is not in a good condition.

Tags: #History #Church #Culture #Monastery #Historical Monument

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