Ajameti Managed Reserve

About Ajameti Managed Reserve

Best time to visit: All Season

Ajameti Managed Reserve is located 230 km away from Tbilisi and 15 km away from Kutaisi in the districts of Baghdati and Zestaponi. The reserve is in the flatland of Rioni and it runs through parts of Ajameti, Vartsikhe and Sviri. In April of 1928, 20 ha of Kutaisi forested area was declared a nature reserve and in 1935 Ajameti Botanical Reserve was established at the ground level of the Ajameti forest massif. Ajameti was formed as a strict nature reserve in 1946 to preserve rare and relict Imeretian Oak and Zelkova trees. The famous oaks of Ajameti are ancient natural treasures, with some of the trees being over 250 years old.

Tags: #Nature #Managed Reserve #Protected Area


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