The Church of the Savior in Akhuti

The Church of the Savior in Akhuti

About The Church of the Savior in Akhuti

Best time to visit: All Season

The Church of the Savior in Akhuti is located in the village of Akhuti, Chkhorotsku Municipality, Samegrelo. It dates back to the XIX centuries, although traces of the IX-X centuries are also found. The church is a hall-type building with a semicircular protruding apse on the east side. The hall is covered with a vault, which rests on supporting arches that are arched on the pilasters. The longitudinal walls are separated by arches between the pilasters. The temple is lit by four rectangular windows, one on each side of the building. The entrance is three - to the west, south and north, all three entrances are rectangular. The facades are not decorated at all, they are crowned with cornices with ramparts and fillets. The church is made of purely hewn stones (porous crumbling stones).

Tags: #History #Church #Culture #Monastery #Historical Monument

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