Algeti National Park
About Algeti National Park
Algeti National Park - National Park in Eastern Georgia. It is located in historic Kvemo Kartli, in Tetritskaro municipality. It is situated in the valley of the Algeti River and covers the southern slopes of the eastern part of the Trialeti Range. Located at an altitude of 1100-1950 meters above sea level. The highest point is the rock (2000 m). It is distinguished by its landscape and biological diversity.
There are currently five eco-tourism routes in the area of Algeti National Park. Horse riding and hiking. Only one of them is marked as a tourist trail-” Royal Ridge”. 16 kilometers circular route.
Along with the visiting of the Algeti River valley and the mixed forested mountains you can visit the natural monuments of Dashbashi, Birtvisi and Samshvilde canyons, as well as the Kldekari fortress.
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Tours In Kvemo Kartli

One Day Bicycle Tour to Pitareti

2-Day Tour in Bolnisi

Archaeotour- Samshvilde Archaeological Site
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