ბალდა, ბალდის კანიონი, canyon, ბალდა, ბალდის კანიონი, canyon, ბალდა, ბალდის კანიონი, canyon,

About Balda Canyon

Best time to visit: All Season

Balda Canyon - the natural monument is located in the sight of Samegrelo, in the municipality of Martvili, in the village of Segond Baldi, near the river Abasha ravine, nearby the Balta Fathers Monastery, 295 meters from sea level.

The natural memorial represents a limestone-faced canyon, created in Askhi Massive, by the southern part of the river Abasha. The length of the canyon is 1400 meters and the width is 5-10 meters, as for rushing down- 25-30 meters.

Tags: #Nature #Water #Canyon

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