Batumi Archaeological Museum

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ბათუმის არქეოლოგიური მუზეუმი Batumi Archaeological Museum Батумский археологический музей ბათუმის არქეოლოგიური მუზეუმი Batumi Archaeological Museum Батумский археологический музей ბათუმის არქეოლოგიური მუზეუმი Batumi Archaeological Museum Батумский археологический музей ბათუმის არქეოლოგიური მუზეუმი Batumi Archaeological Museum Батумский археологический музей

About Batumi Archaeological Museum

Best time to visit: All Season

Batumi Archaeological Museum is located in Adjara, Batumi, at 77 Chavchavadze Street. It was founded in 1994 and is one of the most important scientific, educational and cultural centers in Georgia. The museum presents a variety of materials found in the territory of Adjara, which includes periods from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages. Here you will find stone tools, bronze, glass and ceramic pottery, a collection of coins, jewelry and many other interesting exhibits. The museum has a rich gold fund, where the samples of Colchian goldsmiths occupy an important place. The oldest exhibits at the museum include stone tools found in the mountains of Adjara, near the resort of Beshumi, the date of which is 300-400 thousand years. Batumi Archaeological Museum will give you an imagining of the cultural development of western Georgia in different periods and its connections with other states. The diverse material preserved here makes a great impression on the visitor.

Tags: #History #Culture #Museum #Historical Monument

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0422 27 11 75; 57754****
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0422 27 11 75; 57754****