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About Beshumi
Best time to visit:
Summer, May, September
Beshumi - Mountain resort and summer village in Adjara, Khulo Municipality, on Arsiani Ridge, 1850-1900 m above sea level, 7km far from Goderdzi pass, 30 km far from Khulo.
Beshumi is rich with coniferous forests. Summer is moderately cool here (the average temperature in August is 17,0 °C), winter is moderately mild (the average temperature in January is - 5,0 °C). The place is well known for its healing properties. People with diseases like non-tuberculous diseases of the respiratory organs, anemia, chronic diseases of children, often visit the resort.
The holiday season lasts from June till September.
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, 42.553092
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Where to stay In Adjara
VenoSea Tsikhisdziri Seaside Cottage
Resort · Fortress · Cottage
Guest House Akutsa
Guest House
Hilltop Batumi
Paradise Inn
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