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Big and small lake of Lebarde
About Big and small lake of Lebarde
Best time to visit:
July, August, September, October
The big and small lakes of Lebarde are located in the Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti region, concretely in Martvili municipality at the west slope of the Gvira ridge. There are two routes to the lakes.
- The ground road from the village Doberadzeebi in Martvili municipality will take you to the resort Lebarde. The trail from the resort Lebarde will take you to the lakes. You should cover 30 km by vehicle and 10 km on foot. The road is damaged and only high passability 4X4 offroad vehicles and the 4X4/6X6 trucks can handle it.
- You can get to the lakes from the village Kulbaki in Lechkhumi municipality. The trail heads to the mountain Askhi. At the crossroad, the trail turns to the right and goes along the west slope of the Gvira ridge. The distance on foot from Lechkhumi to the lakes of Lebarde is 21 km.
Offers nearby
, 42.64337
3 days
Total distance: 45 km
Difficulty: Medium
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