Cheremi Tsverodabali St. George Church

Cheremi St. George\'s Church Cheremi St. George\'s Church Cheremi St. George\'s Church Cheremi St. George\'s Church Cheremi St. George\'s Church Cheremi St. George\'s Church Cheremi St. George\'s Church Cheremi St. George\'s Church Cheremi St. George\'s Church Cheremi St. George\'s Church

About Cheremi Tsverodabali St. George Church

Best time to visit: All Season

St. George (Tsverodabali) Church is located 3.5-4 km east of the modern village of Cheremi, in the eastern part of the Tsverodabali hill, on an elevated spot. The architectural monument belongs to the V-VI centuries. It is structurally a three-aisled basilica, and it seems that the project was conceived in the same way. However, it differs somewhat from this type of buildings. As it became clear after the cleaning of the church, these differences were determined by the changes made during the construction process. There are several opinions regarding the structure and date of the building: G. Chubinashvili considers it a three-aisled basilica and dates it to the VI-VII centuries. In his opinion, the building was constructed at the same time, according to a unified plan.

The western part of the south annex seems to have been a gate - with a double-arched entrance from the south. The south wall of the gate is ruined. The debris differs significantly from the main part of the building, both in terms of building materials and the nature of the pile. The outbuilding was covered with an arch, the northern heel of which rested on cantilevers protruding from the wall of the main church. Similar consoles are preserved on the western and northern walls of the main church.

On the east wall were preserved two toothed copestones one in the north-east corner. The window on the east facade is decorated with a horseshoe-shaped ornament with horizontal folds at the ends. It consists of a double twisted shaft. During the restoration, it was discovered that the header is not usually carved out of a window sill, but attached to it - with nails.

To the south of the church, five meters away, are the remains of the fence, and to the south of it, at about the same distance - the remains of a building structured of rubble and lime mortar - in three rows, one - along with the other. Arranged in three square (1 m * 1 m) columns.

Tags: #History #Church #Culture #Monastery #Historical Monument


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