ჭულეს ჩანჩქერი Chule waterfall Водопад Чуле ჭულეს ჩანჩქერი Chule waterfall Водопад Чуле

About Chule Waterfall

Best time to visit: All Season

Chule Waterfall is located on the site of Samtskhe-Javakheti, in the municipality of Adigeni, in the village of Patara Zanavi (it is translated in Georgia, as a “Little Zanavi”). The waterfall is situated actually near the Chule Monastery, approximately 1500 meters from sea level. This little, lovely waterfall is sloughed in the picturesque trees and flows down the mossy rocky-strews. Everything together creates marvelous sightings. Chule Waterfall is wonderful to see in the verdancy of Summer, as well as in Autumn when the leaves are colorful and majestic. This place is really wonderful for nature lovers, and for those, who love to rest in a peaceful environment. Also, it is an interesting place, as you have to walk through adorable paths to get to the waterfall, the panoramas are really remarkable. While getting there, you will come across the beautiful tiny Chule Monastery, which is one of the most interesting cultural monuments of Georgia.

Tags: #Nature #Waterfall #Water

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