ამლივის (ამლევი, ავლევი) კომპლექსი - Amlevi Church and amlevi (avlevi) fortress ამლივის (ამლევი, ავლევი) კომპლექსი - Amlevi Church and amlevi (avlevi) fortress

About Avlevi Fortress

Best time to visit: All Season

Avlevi Fortress is XV-XVI centuries fortress, which is located in Kvemo Kartli, in Tetritskaro municipality, in the Orbeti community, on the left side of the Algeti River, 1090 meters above sea level.

Fortress-Castle is 4-storied, built of stone using mortar. It has embrasures. The overlap between floors is flat and wooden. Lapidary inscriptions are also noticed.

Tags: #History #Fortress #Fortification

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